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Pupil premium and recovery premium

High quality teaching and learning can be the difference in whether or not a student reaches their academic potential, particularly in challenging academic subjects. Hill argues good teachers provide ‘ladders and pathways’ to social mobility (Hill, 2013). In support of this The Ofsted report “Unseen children: access and achievement 20 years on” states that when dealing with pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds high quality teaching is of the utmost importance (Ofsted, 2013). Thus ensuring the provision of outstanding teaching and learning is integral to the success of narrowing the gap.

The student is at the centre of our approach to closing the gap. We wrap around them as much support as is needed to break down any barriers to learning and ensure they make progress and fulfil their potential. Quality first teaching is essential for students to succeed, it is the lesson by lesson progress that students make that is essential to their final successes in examinations. We will work towards removing any barriers to learning students face such as, poor attendance, weak literacy and numeracy and emotional and behavioural difficulties. Senior staff will mentor and support the most vulnerable students in the Pupil Premium cohort.

The Deep Support Vice Principal works closely with heads of faculty to ensure that classroom teachers are supported and that students’ progress is monitored closely and that strategies are in place in the department to tackle underachievement and remove barriers to learning.

Coaching and one to one support is offered to students in core subjects to address underachievement and remove subject barriers to learning.

Good attendance is critical to students’ success. The attendance coordinator prioritises her workload and interventions to pupil premium students. Working closely with year leaders and pastoral support staff interventions happen early when signs of worsening attendance arise.

Behaviour support for Pupil Premium students is offered through the year leaders and pastoral support staff.

The impact of this strategy is monitored and reviewed termly and an annual review takes place at the end of the summer term.

Further Information for Pupil Premium allocation can be found in the documents linked below:



Date of next Pupil Premium Review

The Pupil Premium Strategy will be reviewed in September 2024.

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